“ANCSA” for African Americans—a Proposal for Reparations

I would like to contribute the following thoughts about the most proper and effective way to compensate African Americans for the suffering of their ancestors under slavery and the continuing racist oppression they experience today: Model relief and compensation to African Americans on the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. While acknowledging that …

Temporal Framework for Harmonious Prosperity

This framework for our temporal harmony and prosperity is itself framed by the much larger spiritual framework within which it is contained. [See Endnote i] A very low resolution version of that spiritual framework is that all humans have natural intrinsic value worthy of cultivation and nurturing. It is that perspective that guides the following …

The Economics of Jesus

This section is titled “The Economics of Jesus” instead of “Christian Economics” as the institutional church and individual Christians of all varieties have gotten so many things wrong. This has often been in the form of substituting worldly ambitions for true faith, and attempting to employ Jesus as a helper in those fleshly ambitions in …

Life is Rigged—We Should Adjust the Rigging

The expression that something is “rigged” has gained increased prominence in public discussion lately. The context is that there is some type of cheating going on, in a game, in an election, in a court case, in hiring, or in any other similar situation where demonstrable fairness is expected to be normative but is believed …