Data and Control Between Vehicles and the System (and each other)

This is the second of four follow-on articles to Do Smart Highways Now—Delay is Not Smart, in which an integrated automated highway system is envisioned. This article will describe how the vehicle flow system and all the cars connected to it communicate with each other. For the system to guide each car through an efficient …

Vehicle Flow Concept and Architecture

This is the first of four follow-on articles to Do Smart Highways Now—Delay is Not Smart, in which an integrated automated highway system is envisioned. This article will describe how such a system would work and what its architecture would look like. Imagine you’re driving your car. It doesn’t matter what type of road you’re …

Do Smart Highways Now—Delay is Not Smart

Anyone who travels on the roads, whether as driver or passenger, has experienced the discomfort, inconvenience, and danger from deteriorated highway infrastructure. Traffic congestion, not only in major cities but also in small towns, is dysfunctionally severe. Besides the potholes and crumbling pavement in too many places, the level of traffic most everywhere exceeds the …

Broadband for the Flyover States—And Everyone Else Too

There are several causes, some of them less than noble, for the economic inequality between urban and rural areas (and also within those areas). One factor that, if adjusted, could even the odds is equitable availability of broadband Internet in rural areas. For documented reasons it is not commercially feasible for private service providers to …